Many of us have heard, that the possibilities of the human brain are huge, but unfortunately only few of us are able to use it.
Approximately one hundred years ago scientists discovered the rhythms of the brain with encephalograph..
The fact is, that in the morning when we wake up and in the evening when we fall asleep, this is a time when our brain works in the alpha rhythm, and this is the most productive work rhythm of the human brain when we manage our life.
If our thoughts are focused on the negative, thanks to the law of thinking, we get that negative in our life and even more.
We all get in life what we think most often about.
Our thoughts, mental images appearing in our consciousness, according to the law of thinking, are realized in our lives!
The law of thinking proclaims – the mind is material
This law forms the base of our life. And ignorance of this law does not deprive us of all the unhappiness and misery that are happening due to various “spooks” and then we create negative thoughts and mental images – images that realize in our reality, in our life.
At many people, thoughts form from what they saw. And what do we see? There crashed plane, here was somebody killed, else was the fire….
What kind of thoughts may form after seeing or hearing something like that? The only negative! But negative thoughts creates fears and again negative thoughts which realize in our reality.
Somebody goes on the bus and thinking: ” Around is the only flock of rams and the boss is sheep“.. Behind him is standing his angel protector with notebook and pen and writing down, “Around is the only flock of rams and the boss is sheep. He is writing and thinking. “Basically, all that was already here. So why he wals this again? Well, once this is his wish, that must come true. “
People always get what they think!
Sometimes we even do not realize that your life is unique, unrepeatable we create by ourselfes. The process of creation consists of the mind, words and acts. People do not realize that our thoughts create our destiny!
Even in the 18th century Prentice Mulford said…
Your every though, this is a material thing – and mainly- the power:
The power of the human mind is enormous, but unfortunately many of us do not appreciate that.
If people knew, how powerfull are their thoughts, they would think only positively!
But unfortunately not many people try to use their thoughts, feelings and emotions to create their reality and do not destroy their life.
We do not have to convince anybody, that the negative thoughts and bad mood have a destructive effect on our health and life.
The other question is, how to get rid of them? How to quit the constant interference of thoughts in our heads?
Unfortunately, get rid of these thoughts is hard enough.
We can not stop our thoughts, therefore we can not stop think at all.. But we can not think and have in our mind two thoughts at the same time. And that means, if we have to change our gloomy negative thoughts, which have on our lives a destructive effect, to bright and positive thoughts, that will change our reality. It is important for us to switch our negative thoughts to something positive.
Techniques how to switch is a lot. For example, during the day, we can simply observe the nature, enjoy the sunset or watch the waves or the other nature beauties.
And what to do in the evening, when we shut the light off, how to switch the thoughts?
Basically, it is simple, instead of constant projecting in the head all the negative events in a day efore bedtime, or counting sheeps, start counting gratitudes! That means, learn before bedtime to thank to the Universe and the Creator or God (whatever you like) . The power of gratitude is also enormous!
The most important thing is, that gratitude immediately switch our brain from negative to positive, and that activates the work of the alpha rhythm.
And once if we switch our thoughts on the positives, according to the law of thinking, positive thoughts already begins to realize into the life and we get what we think about, what we dream in our life appears more joyful and good events!
This is the most natural and easy way to maximize the power of our brain to make better our life. This is the way, how is activating work of alpha and theta rhythms!
Positive effect on the human alpha rhythm
- improves blood circulation in the brain at least 70%. Helps improve memory.
- Boosts the healing process in the body. In our body begins to operate the self-healing mechanisms, which has a positive influence on our health.
- Our brain begins to produce joy hormones, that eliminate pain and stress.
- Appears the ability to think creatively and generate new ideas.
- Appears passion and intuition.
- Increases the ability to receive a large volume of information, that means the ability to learn.
- That leads to releasing of creative potential, awakens talents and desire to create.
- In addition, especially in that condition when alpha rhythm is active, were developed greatest discoveries and found the most successful ideas in the science and in other fields of human activity
Alpha rhythm stimulates the activity of the theta rhythm which has an even greater positive effect on the human body. Theta rhythm is most manifested in joy. Therefore, good humor and laughter prolong life and play a decisive role in fighting any disease
Alpha and theta rhythms dominate mostly in childhood.
And at adult people the brain produces more beta rhythms and at some of us in general dominates delta rhythm.
Beta rhythm – it is condition of full consciousness activity. In condition of beta, the consciousness is focused on the external world and registers what is happening around. Our eyes are loiterally open. In this condition, we are working and thinking.
If the beta rhythm multiplied, people are in condition of unrest, worries and then in stress. We can hardly concentrate, our hearts work with big effort and breathing is accelerated. If the activity of beta rhythm increases even more, our intellect becoming overloaded and we are loosing the ability to think and make decisions. This can lead to condition of panic. And in this condition, the brain works with a colossal overloading.
If the frequency is higher and higher, beta rhythms, causes more damage to our health. We all know well, that stress and more condition of panic, has a destructive influence on our health.
Delta rhythm is characteristic for deep sleep or unconscious condition.
Contact with the outside world is practically interrupted and each of us was certainly found in this condition – we can make sure of that by observing the sleeping person, which is sleeping like a dead.” Delta rhythm through the day at a healthy person, has minimal activity.
And from all what was written here, ensues, that alpha and theta rhythms – this is the most healthy and creative brain condition.
We can not chase our life over one night, but we can change our thoughts, that turn our life in
So now you can do it too! Just learn to switch negative thoughts to positive, and you will see results soon!
How to use in life
In fact, it is not so difficult to get used, to control our thoughts and switch to the positives. For it is necessary to create helpers. What to do in the morning or during the day, you know, and in the evening it is possible to make a bank of gratitude. For making use phosphorescent paint or any other that glows in the darkness and write down on the paper I am thankful and for what I can feel gratitude. Colors can be also used for decoration around.
When you shuting off the light at night and lying down to the bed, the, glowing composition attracting your attention and reminding, do not forget to thank to the God.. In this way thoughts switche to positive, and you fall asleep with positive thoughts and waking up in a good mood.
It has an amazing and very powerful effect !!!!!
It is suitable to take to the bed paper or notebook and pen. Because the thoughts, that come into your head in this conditon, can help to you find simple answers to your problems. They will not be repeated and in the morning you can not remember them.. That is why you should write them down right away.
Based on testing, it was found that at many adults, is high activity of beta and delta rhythms during the day.
Many people are either in stress or are unable to consciously také in reality.
They complain, that they have lost the ability to enjoy life and they have a lot of problems with health.
During testing we can observe and monitor how the rhythms of the brain are changing, when you practice gratitude technology.