When someone is concerned about their adult children or friends, so actually that person is feeding the others with his/her own energy and help them to carry “bit strange cross – problems.” In fact, this person does not give to others the right to choose their own life journey. In this case, even the most positive thought will not bring too many benefits to those, who we feed with our thoughts. Any thought – is energy. And we feed with the thoughts. Where is the center of our attention – there flows the energy. Meddling in the life journey of others even with our good thoughts – it’s not always a good thing.
Parental positive thoughts about children that are expressed in specific thought forms, sometimes strongly blocks to children their lifejourney. The phrase filled with energy – eg. “I know what is the best for you – so and so …” That is already influencing the thoughts which are blocking the development of other situation. If you put positive energy into good wishes, there is no need to insert specific thoughts, what would be a good effect.
In the positive or negative thoughts, there is one important emotional component – and this is energy. How strong is the emotion – energy, events with + or – energy are stronger and quicker formed in biofield of person. If we put more energy – emotion into thinking – then the thinking process changes more the plan of being, changing the space around the person to whom we think. It is already meddling in his/her personal space.
At negative thoughts
For example -one person thought about the other in a bad way. If the object of his thinking had the same ( negative) thoughts, then the situation is reflected in the energy field – biofield. If you think of another person who is not synchronous with the frequency of these negative thoughts, does not matter how powerful is the negative thought – that can not change the biofield energy of the other person! Because the vibrational field of the other person is higher, so the vibrations of your thoughts on a low level sent to person with higher vibrational field do not get to bioenergy field and does not change the biofield. But this thought on low level very strongly – like a boomerang – changing bio – energy field of the person who sent it. Who sent the thought to ten times the strength, got hit back a twenty or even thirty times stronger . Everything depends on the emotional content sent thought.
When a person is sending negative thought, he/she is giving energy to the other person
The first option – for example, two women judged the third one. Whatever they tell about her, any dirt throws on her, the third woman is blooming and doing well. That energy they sent is just an energy. Third person receives energy for his/her own things! But to form this sent energy, it is necessary to have certain properties. It is necessary to have a high energetic potential – energy. People with high levels of energy potential usually do not think in a bad way about others.
The second option – two people on a low energy level are sending negative energy to each other. Both received a gap in their biofields. Their fields are flying to and fro and getting leaky.
The third option – if the person with high vibrational energy level let to pull down him/herself and send to someone with low energy vibrations negative thought, there works the cause and effect. In this situation, person with high vibrational energy level gets a strong retribution, where is specifically shown what he/she did, why that thought was unconscious and energetically dangerous. This situation is the hardest!
At positive thoughts
When it is not unconditional love, the person also shares own energy, regardless of the common level with another person. But the energy structure does not expand. The same composition of biofield, but the biofields work on the edge. Only energetic potential can be supplemented, but this does not cause much damage.
When a person sends unconditional love in relation to another person, then there are completely absent any thoughts and was present only unconditional love and status. At bioenergy level, it looks like this: this energy is fully accumulated in the biofield of a person whom is sent and immediately appear as an energy potential. For a person who sends unconditional love, his/her energy and bio energy does not diminish, but increases several times at the moment of sending love.
So we are not only transforming love, but we have started to create from ourselfs!
Conditional love of high energy level (positive) person in relationship to the other, who has a low energy level (negative), is no longer considered as an attack into the biofield. It is seen as burning ears, face or the whole face. And it should be taken into consideration for those, who is trying to increase their effectiveness in a positive way. Within interaction with other people, be careful and attentive to their condition. Unprepared energy structure (people) heavily perceive this Love.
If has came any thought about a person, do not think about that person, but focus on, why has came this thought. Learn to filter, learn to dwell in the mental tranquility. It is work as well!
Through prayer, by calling your higher Self, with love and gratitude and forgiveness for expansion. In this way, forgiveness returns energy which balances relations at bioenergy level. Forgive, when forgiveness is asked.
Nothing happens just for nothing
All we create – we reproduce ourselves in our lives for ourselves. We give to child unconditional love in all extent. To beloved man, beloved woman we also give freedom and love, which we can give without any conditions. That’s the best thing we can give and receive. What kind of relationships we create – such relationships we receive.
How a woman transmit her energy to the members of her family? When she thinks of them. When woman thinks of man, she gives him her energy. When a woman thinks of some event, she puts energy into that, so that event can realize.
When you are watching television, where the energy goes? You think of some movie star, how is beautiful, interesting – and that star gets from you incredible life force charge. Secret of stars success consist s in the fact that thousands of people love them. They keep on their personal power and all on account of the fact that every day they feed themselves with the thoughts of those thousands and thousands of people across the planet who love them.
And where goes your energy when you think negatively of another person? For example, you think of how bad and nasty is your neighbor. And she – you see – again bought something new or she walks and she is happy and she smiles. Because you constantly, day by day gives to her your precious life energy.